Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Reading and Reacting 1.0

    4(a)  There would be no difference even if the play is set up in the North as the racial discrimination is still can be seen in the North. It was proven in line 29 where Florence was employed as a cleaner instead of being an actress.
      (b) We believed that there would be minimum number of racial discrimination if the play is set up in present time. Of course, Florence can be an actress because of her talent as there was a minimum racial discrimination.

  5(a) Marge is totally referring to to the racial segregation sentiment in the American society as the Blacks were not allowed to dine in local diner due to racial discrimination from the Whites.
(b)  The other reference that alludes us to the ‘situation’ is when Florence was not accepted as an major actress in North even she was a very talented person. 

6 (a) Mrs Carter think herself as not a racist.
(b) We do agree because Mrs Carter told Mama that she is not a racist as she can tolerate with the Blacks. In line 165 she told Mama that she donated a large sum of money to local Negro College and she can even have a dinner with the Blacks as stated in line 167. This assumes that Mrs Carter is not a racist at all.

7(a) Mama disagreed with Mrs Carter’s brother’s story because it pictures that all Black people are weak and cannot face the racial discrimination thrown towards them.
(b)This disagreement tells us that Mama believed that the Blacks are strong enough to survive the whole discrimination issue.  Meanwhile, Mrs Carter was shown as the one who filled with sympathy towards Blacks who are not given chance and opportunity to strive and become excellent.

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